4.Transmitter controls1)Left or Right.6Press the right stick and keep pressing. The constant voice “Bi” will appear. Now the transmitterenters into gain setting mode.Push throttle stick upper to the value you need. The voice will turn to incontinuous “Bi, Bi, Bi”.Thenrelease the right stick and then the transmitter will save the value.4) Transmitter calibrationWhen quadcopter can not do hovering and fly to one side, we need to do calibration by following thebelow steps.同时向下按住左右摇杆A.Power on transmitter.B.Press the left stick and the right stick at the sametime, wait until the transmitter sounds “Bi, Bi, Bi, Bi”.Now the transmitter enters into calibration mode.C.Move the right stick to its maximum position in fourdirection: up, down, left and right. Then move the rightstick to its middle position. Repeat the above operationto the left stick.D.Push the rudder trim button to the right for one time,then the transmitter will quit calibration.MODE 2MODE 2Moving aileron stick left or right will cause the quadcopter tilt and start moving that direction.Moving elevator stick forward or backward will cause the quadcopter to tilt and start moving thatdirection.2)Backward or Forwardpress the left stickand the right stickat the same timeNE-MASF 15 2.4GHZ 4CH Quadcopter