28Stopping the PTRThe PTR can be stopped by leaning backward, away from the direction of travel:1. While you are riding forward, gently shift your hips back and down (as if you are preparing to sit down) to stop the PTR.2. After the PTR stops, distribute your body weight equally on the foot mat to remain stationary. If you continue leaning backafter you are stopped, you will move backward.3. Practice stopping by choosing a spot on the ground and coming to a smooth, controlled stop at that spot.WARNINGAvoid abrupt and uncontrolled stops. Do not move your body aggressively, instead smoothly shift your weight away from the directionof travel. Never make abrupt movements or accelerate or brake sharply on limited traction surfaces. The wheels may slide or losetraction, which could result in a fall.Figure 27: Lean backward to brake.