10 Installation 2 QUCM Modbus ASCII Modem Application ManualFigure 2-1 QUCM-LE to RS-232 Modem DCE Port (25-pin) (MM12 Cable)Figure 2-2 Typical system setupPort 1 to the Personal ComputerA physical connection must be made from the personal computer to the QUCM in or-der to configure the Ethernet parameters of the QUCM-OE. This link may be a serialconnection from a COM port on the personal computer to the RS-232 port on theQUCM-OE. The Niobrara MM1 cable may be used for this connection. This cablepinout is shown in Figure 2-4.Figure 2-3 PC Connection to QUCM-LE serial portMM12 Cable140QUCMNiobraraActiveReadyRunColLnkTXERXE12345RN1TX1RX1678910RN2TX2RX2FaultModemModem MU12 CableMUCMCM2000 PM6204-wireCableMM1 CablePC140QUCMNiobraraActiveReadyRunColLnkTXERXE12345RN1TX1RX1678910RN2TX2RX2Fault