18 Installation 2 QUCM Modbus ASCII Modem Application Manual4 Remove the module from the rack and change the switch back to RUN.QLOAD MUCMAPP1Figure 2-11 QLOAD of MUCMAPP11 Application 1 and 2 Switches must be in HALT.2 Start QLOAD.EXE3 Click on the Browse button and select the file mucm_modem_app1.qcc.4 Select the Application 1 Radio Button.5 Verify the following:a. Status Register = 1.b. Run Pointer Register = 33.c. Auto Start is checked.d. Erase Flash is checked.e. Load File is checked.f. The Modbus Serial tab is selected.(1) The COM port of the PC is selected in the pull-down.(2) The baud rate is set to 9600.(3) The Modbus Drop is set to 255(4) The ASCII box is not checked.(5) The 8 Bits button is checked.(6) The Parity is set to EVEN.6 Connect the PC to MUCM Port 1 with a MU1 cable..7 Press the Start Download button. QLOAD will open a progress window to showthe status of the download.