5Version date: March 26th 201818Operator ManualNA 64-- series gravityStarting the machine after cleaning is described in chapter 7 -’Maintenance’ on page 26).5.2 Dispensing soft ice cream1. Hold an ice cream cupor cone under the icecream dispensingspout.2. Pull the ice creamhandle down fully.The ice cream is nowdispensed.3. Push the ice creamhandle up fully.TipsHere are a few tips for dispensing soft ice cream properly:• If no ice cream has been dispensed for a while, briefly press the ‘refreshbutton’ first before dispensing ice cream.• Dispense soft ice cream carefully at a steady, constant dispensing rate.• Do not dispense large amounts of soft ice cream in succession.• Give the machine the opportunity in good time to bring the viscosity of thesoft ice cream up to the required level again.7. Wait until 2 horizontallines are shown in theleft display.8. Turn the mix feed pipeto the ‘open’ position.(Orifice in the outsidepipe in line with thearrow on the inside pi-pe.9. Dispence one or twoicecreams from allthree disspensingspouts, taste themand throw themaway.