39 | Full HD Digital Video Recorder4.2 DeviceThere are sub menus in the Device menu, such as Camera, Audio, Sensor, Motion Alarm, Extra Alarm, and PTZ.Users can easily move to the “Device” menu by selecting the icon on the top right of the menu screen.4.2.1 CameraUsers can setup camera title, brightness, contrast, motion sensitivity, and audio mapping for each camera.The default motion area setup is the entire camera area.Audio mapping is Applies a user specified channel to audio connection.Automatically detect the cameras such as 3M, TVI, HDA(Analog HD) and 960H. (Set Video Type as AUTO)Most type of camera is automatically apply 3M, TVI, HDA, 960HTVI : In case of TVI camera disconnect, Please set it manuallyHDA : In case of HDA camera disconnect, Please set it manuallyCVI : In case of CVI camera, please set ‘CVI’ manuallyNOTE When Auto detection is not working well under improper environment,select type of camera directly on Video Type.