User’s Manual | 4ContentsCHAPTER 1 : DVR USER MANUAL1 GETTING STARTED 71.1 Checking Supplied Items 71.2 Connecting Peripheral Device 81.3 System Startup and Shutdown 102 EXPLANATION FOR EACH FUNCTION 122.1 Front Panel 122.2 Rear Panel 143 OPERATION 163.1 User Log-in 163.2 Live Display Mode 173.3 PTZ Operation 223.4 Spot out Monitor 233.5 Playback of Recorded Video 243.6 Search Recording Image 263.7 DST Setting 303.8 Screen Saver 314 SETTING 324.1 System 334.2 Device 394.3 Record 454.4 Network 484.5 Backup 544.6 Quick Setup 565 WEB SURVEILLANCE 575.1 Web Login 575.2 Web Configuration 585.3 Web monitoring 605.4 Web Playback 63