User’s Manual Rev1.0Date:15/07/2015 User’s Manual33/47Code Name Meaning01 Illegal functioncodeFlowmeter can not process the function code in a command. Maybethis function code can only be used on a new device, or it can alsoindicate that the flowmeter is under error statues.02 Illegal address The flowmeter can not process with the address in the command. Theinitiate address plus address diversion are higher than the highestaddress.03 Illegal contentsof valueThe content of the value in thecommand is not acceptable for theflowmeter.04 Flow meterfunction failedAn unrecoverable failure happened when the flowmeter is trying toreponse.05 Reponse The flow meter will take a long while to process the command. Soreponse this error code to prevent the host from processing a overtimecommand.06 Flowmeter isbusyTo advise the host that the flowmeter is processing a command whichwill takes a long time. So the host should resend the command when theflowmeter is free.6.7 Examples of communicationThe flowmeter’s instrument Modbus address is 01, baud rate=4800 (C08=01, C09=05, C40=02).Example 1: Read flow rate F,F=916.49 (4 bytes float)Host command: 01 03 00 00 00 02 C4 0BFlowmeter reponse: 01 03 0444 65 1F CE 77 78Example 2: Read total flowHost command: 01 03 00 06 00 02 24 0AFlowmeter reponse:01 03 04 44 9D 1E 3F 36 9DExample 3: Read all the value displayed on the flowmeter,including flow rate, temperature, pressure,total flow ….. all together 4 value (16 bytes)Host command: 01 03 00 00 00 08 44 0CFlowmeter reponse:01 03 1044 65 1F CE(flow rate=916.49)00 00 00 00(temperature=0)00 00 00 00(pressure=0)44 9D 1E 3F(total flow in float=1256.94)B7 (CRCL)BF (CRCH)7 Introduction of HART communication protocol7.1 HART commands