15A paraglider flying at its maximum rotating speed can reach –20 m/s, orthe equivalent of a 70 km/h vertical descent, and will stabilise in a spiraldive from 15m/s onwards.Good enough reasons to familiarise yourself with the manoeuvre andunderstand how to exit it.To exit this manoeuvre, the inner brake handle (down side of the turn)must progressively be relaxed while momentarily applying tension to theouter brake handle opposite to the turn. The pilot must also weight shiftand lean towards the opposite side of the turn at the same time.The exit should be performed gradually and smoothly so that thechanges in pressure and speed can be noted.When exiting the spiral, the glider will briefly experience an asymmetricalacceleration and dive, depending on how the manoeuvre was carriedout.Practise these manoeuvres at sufficient altitude and carefully.5.5 SLOW DESCENT TECHNIQUEThis technique allows descent without straining the wing or taxing thepilot. Glide normally while searching for descending air and begin to turnas if climbing in a thermal, but with the intention to sink.Common sense has to be used to avoid dangerous areas of rotor whenlooking for descending air. Safety first!6. SPECIAL METHODS6.1 TOWINGThe ICEPEAK EVOX does not experience any problem whilst being towed.Only qualified winch personnel should handle the certified equipment tocarry out this operation. The wing must be inflated similarly as during anormal take off.It is important to use the brakes to correct the flight path alignment,especially if the glider begins to turn. Since the wing is subject to a slowairspeed and with a high positive angle of attack, we must make anycorrections with a high degree of feel and delicacy, in order to avoid astall.6.2 ACROBATIC FLIGHTAlthough the ICEPEAK EVOX was tested by expert acrobatic pilots inextreme situations, it was not designed for it. We do NOT recommendusing this glider for acrobatic flying!!!We consider acrobatic flights to be any form of piloting different thanstandard flights. Learning acrobatic manoeuvres should be conductedunder the supervision of qualified instructors within a school environmentand over water with all safety/rescue elements in place. Centrifugal forcesas high as 4 to 5 g can be exerted on the body and wing during extrememanoeuvres