9Only qualified personnel should carry out this adjustment. You mustensure that the modification does not affect the trailing edge and slowthe ICEPEAK EVOX down without pilot input. Both brake lines should besymmetrical and the same length. We recommend using a clove hitch orbowline knot.When changing the brake length, it is necessary to check that they donot engage when the speed-bar is used. When we accelerate, the gliderrotates over the D-riser and the trailing edge elevates.It is important to check that the brake is adjusted to take intoconsideration this extra distance during acceleration. With this profiledeformation there is a risk of generating turbulence and causing a frontalor asymmetric collapse.3. THE FIRST FLIGHT3.1 CHOOSE THE RIGHT LOCATIONFor the first flight we recommend going to your usual flying area and thata qualified instructor is present and supervising the entire procedure.3.2 PREPARATIONRepeat the procedures detailed in section 2 UNPACKING ANDASSEMBLY to prepare your equipment3.3 FLIGHT PLANPlanning a flight before taking off to avoid possible problems later isalways a good idea.3.4 PRE-FLIGHT CHECK LISTOnce ready, but before taking off, conduct another equipmentinspection. Conduct a thorough visual check of your gear with the wingfully open, the lines untangled and properly laid out on the ground toensure that all is in working order. Be certain the weather conditions aresuited to your flying skill level.3.5 WING INFLATION, CONTROL, AND TAKE-OFFThe ICEPEAK EVOX comes up easily, without requiring additional energy,and does not overfly you. It is a straight-forward exercise, leaving enoughtime for you to decide whether to accelerate and take off or not.If the wind permits, we recommend a reverse launch, as this allows abetter visual inspection of the wing during inflation. In “strong” winds, theICEPEAK EVOX is especially easy to control using this launch technique.Winds of 25 to 30 km/h are considered strong for paragliding.Correctly setting up the wing on the ground before take off is especiallyimportant. Choose an appropriate location facing the wind. Position theparaglider in a crescent configuration to facilitate inflation. A clean winglayout will ensure a trouble-free take off.3.6 LANDINGThe ICEPEAK EVOX lands excellently, it converts the wing speed intolift at your demand, allowing an enormous margin of error. Wrappingthe brake lines around your hand to get greater braking efficiency is notnecessary3.7 PACKINGThe ICEPEAK EVOX has a complex leading edge, manufacturedusing a variety of different materials and it must be packed carefully. Acorrect folding method is very important to extend the useful life of yourparaglider.