Technical Instructions forCorrelation Sensors®Correlation Sensors – Rev. 07 as of 20.04.2016 Page 51 GeneralImportantREAD CAREFULLY BEFORE USEKEEP IN A SAFE PLACE FOR LATER REFERENCEThis Technical instruction is an original instruction for Correlation Sensors andexternal Electronic Box is intended for the initial start-up or the connection of thesensors. This manual is oriented exclusively to qualified expert personnel.Read this Technical instruction carefully and completely prior to installation andconnection since it contains relevant information on this product. Observe thenotes and particularly follow the warning notes and safety instructions.Keep this manual in a safe place and make sure it is available for the users ofthis product at any time.If you should have problems to understand information contained within thisTechnical Instruction either contact the manufacturer or one of the distributorsfor further support. The manufacturer cannot be held responsible for damage topersons or material due to incorrectly understood information in this instruction.In case of selling the sensors, this Technical instruction shall be provided to thepurchaser since it is a part of the standard delivery.The sensor installation is described in the separate >Installation Instructions forCorrelation and Doppler Sensors<. This document is part of the standard deliv-ery and must be read necessarily prior to sensor installation.Detailed information on how to operate the complete system can be found in theaccompanying instruction transmitter instruction manual.