®Instruction ManualNivuMaster Ultrasonic SensorsPage 16 NivuMaster Ultrasonic Sensors - Rev. 06 as of 29.07.20115 Storing, Delivery and Transport5.1 ReceiptPlease check your delivery according to the delivery note for completeness andintactness immediately after receipt. Any damage in transit must be instantly re-ported to the carrier. An immediate, written report must be sent to NIVUS GmbHEppingen as well.Please report any delivery incompleteness in writing to your representative or di-rectly to NIVUS Eppingen within two weeks.Mistakes cannot be rectified later!5.1.1 DeliveryThe standard delivery of the NivuMaster Ultrasonic-Sensors contains:- the instruction manual with the certificate of conformity. Here, all necessarysteps to correctly install and to operate the measurement system are listed.- 1 Ultrasonic-Sensor- 2 x screw nuts (G1“ PVC)Additional accessories depending on order. Please check by using the deliverynote.5.2 StoringThe following storing conditions must be strictly adhered to:NivuMaster Sensor: max. temperature: + 95 °C (203 °F)min. temperature: - 40 °C (-40 °F)The devices must be protected from corrosive or organic solvent vapours, radio-active radiation as well as strong electromagnetic radiation.5.3 TransportThe Sensors are conceived for harsh industrial conditions. Despite this do notexpose them to heavy shocks or vibrations.Transportation must be carried out in the original packaging.5.4 ReturnThe units must be returned at customer cost to NIVUS Eppingen in theoriginal packaging.Otherwise the return cannot be accepted!