®Instruction ManualNivuMaster Ultrasonic SensorsPage 8 NivuMaster Ultrasonic Sensors - Rev. 06 as of 29.07.20112.2 Use in accordance with the requirementsThe NivuMaster series ultrasonic sensors are intended to be used for non-contact fill level measurement in conjunction with the according NivuMastertransmitters. Here the allowed maximum values as specified in chapter 2.3 shallbe adhered to. All cases varying from these conditions and not passed byNIVUS GmbH in writing are left at owner’s risk.The device is exclusively intended to be used for purposes as described above.Modifying or using the devices for other purposes without the written consent ofthe manufacturer will not be considered as use in accordance with the require-ments.Damages resulting from this are left at user’s risk.The device is designed for a lifetime of approx. 10 years. After that period aninspection in addition with a general overhaul shall be made.Ex-ProtectionThe Ex-version of the sensor is designed to be used in areas with explosive at-mospheres (zone 1 or zone 0).The transmitter always has to be installed outside of Ex-zones!Approval (option)Sensor: II 2GD Ex m II T6(also available as II 1GD Ex ia IIC T6, only in con-junction with intrinsically safe transmitter (ia))The approval is only valid in connection with the respective indication on thetransmitter or the sensor nameplate.For installation and initial start-up the conformity certificates and test certifi-cates of the respective authorities must be followed.