Time server options pageThis page allows you to set how the time is retrieved from the internet and interpreted. Thispage may be protected by a password if this is configured. Please see the section on “PasswordProtection” for more information.Option DescriptionNTP Pool This is the “NTP Pool” you want to use for getting the time. It is recommendedthat you should use a pool close to you, but in practice, this does not mattervery much. You can use the standard pool “pool.ntp.org” if you don’t have apreference for this.A NTP Pool is a group of servers which work together to handle the manyrequests which arrive.NTP UpdateIntervalThis is how often the time should be recovered from the NTP pool. Usuallythere is no real benefit to setting this value too low, because it is used only tomake small corrections to the time held by the clock over a long period.The configuration parameter is variable from 60 seconds (once per miniute) to86400 (once per day). It is best to choose a value that is not a multiple of 60seconds, so that the load on the NTP pool is spread out.Time ZoneStringThis tells the clock how to interpret the UTC/GMT time from the NTP pool. Itdescribes the usual offset from UTC, if there is Daylight Savings Time and whenthe DST should be applied.Note that settings are only applied when you press the “Set” button.Clock Settings PageThe clock settings page lets you set up the clock. The options are those presented in thesection “Setting Mode”. For full details of the options, please see that section.Note that settings are only applied when you press the “Set” button.Utilities PageThe utilities page lets you access functions which are not usually necessary for normaloperation of the clock.Care should be taken when using these options. If you are not sure what you want to do, don’tplay around with these options. They can cause you to lose your settings, or potentially makethe clock no longer work properly.Option DescriptionRestart WiFiModuleThis will cause the clock to restart. Settings are not changed.Clear WiFiand restartModuleThis will cause the saved WiFi settings to be cleared, and then the clock willrestart to let you enter new WiFi settings. Note that after doing this, the clockwill of course not connect to your network any more, and instead will go into“Access Point” mode.UpdateFirmwareThis will allow you to upload new firmware for the clock. You can select thefirmware file to upload and it will be loaded and installed. Please make sureyou are using a firmware which is suitable for the clock, otherwise it will stopworking.