Setting ModeUsually you will want to set the clock up using the browser interface, because it is much easierto understand and quicker that way.To enter setting mode, press the button for more than 1 second (“medium press”).Each medium press of more than 1 second will move the setting mode onto the next. When youfinish the setting modes, the clock returns to normal time display mode.To exit the setting mode before going through all the options, press the button for more than 2seconds (“long press”). Another way of exiting is to cycle through all of the setting options,after which you will return to time mode.To change a setting, press the button for less than one second, and then release it (“shortpress”).Mode Description ValuesTime mode. This is the normal mode and displays thetime. It is the normal start up mode of the clock. If you donothing. The clock is in this mode.In this mode a short press cycles through the valuesgiven in “Time Display Mode”, but always returns to thestandard time display after 5 seconds.Time and Date SettingsNote that the Time and Date settings will not be shown if WiFi is active! There is noneed to set the time manually in this case. If you have no active WiFi connection, you can setthe time. However, as soon as WiFi is active, the time will be set according to the InternetNTP servers.HH MM Set Hours. Each short press will advance the hour. Thehours roll over back to zero after reaching 12 or 24(depending on the 12/24 hours mode).HH MM Set minutes. Each short press will advance the minute.The minutes roll over back to 0 ffter reaching 59 minutes.Each time you set the minute, the seconds is reset to 0.MM SS Reset seconds. Each short press will reset the secondsto 0, without changing the hours or minutes.MM DDorDD MMSet Day. Each short press will advance the day. The dayroll over back to one after reaching the maximum numberof days in the month.Depending on the date format you have set, this will beshown in day:month format, or month:day format.MM DDorDD MMSet Month. Each short press will advance the month.The month roll over back to zero after reaching 12.Depending on the date format you have set, this will beshown in day:month format, or month:day format.20 YY Set Year. Each short press will advance the year. Theyear roll over back to 2015 after reaching 2099.