Correct use. Use the battery only for itsintended purpose. Improper battery usemay result in a fire, explosion, or otherhazard. If the device or battery isdropped, especially on a hard surface,and you believe the battery has beendamaged, take it to a service centre forinspection before continuing to use it.Never use any charger or battery that isdamaged. Keep your battery out of thereach of small children.Nokia battery authenticationguidelinesAlways use original Nokia batteries foryour safety. To check that you aregetting an original Nokia battery,purchase it from a Nokia authorisedservice centre or dealer, and inspect thehologram label using the followingsteps:Authenticate hologram1 When you look at the hologram onthe label, you should see theNokia connecting hands symbolfrom one angle and the NokiaOriginal Enhancements logo whenlooking from another angle.22 Battery© 2009 Nokia. All rights reserved.22