Warranty periodThe warranty period starts at the timeof Product's original purchase by thefirst end-user. The Product may consistof several different parts and differentparts may be covered by a differentwarranty period (hereinafter “WarrantyPeriod”). The different Warranty Periodsare:a) twelve (12) months for the mobiledevice and accessories (whetherincluded in the mobile device salespackage or sold separately) other thanthe consumable parts and accessorieslisted in (b) and (c) below;b) six (6) months for the followingconsumable parts and accessories:batteries, chargers, desk stands,headsets, cables and covers; andc) ninety (90) days for the media onwhich any software is provided, forexample, CD-ROM or memory cardAs far as your national laws permit, theWarranty Period will not be extended orrenewed or otherwise affected due tosubsequent resale, repair orreplacement of the Product. However,repaired part(s) will be warranted forthe remainder of the original WarrantyPeriod or for sixty (60) days from thedate of repair, whichever is longer.How to get warranty serviceIf you wish to make a claim under theLimited Warranty, you may call theNokia call centre (where this is availableand please note national rates apply tocalls) and/or where necessary, returnyour Product or the affected part (if it isnot the entire Product) to a Nokia carecentre or Nokia designated servicelocation. Information about Nokia carecentres, Nokia designated servicelocations and Nokia call centres can befound at local Nokia web pages whereavailable.You must return your Product or theaffected part (if it is not the entireProduct) to a Nokia care centre or Nokiadesignated service location before theexpiry of the Warranty Period.When making a Limited Warranty claimyou have to present: a) the Product (oraffected part thereto), b) the legible andunmodified original proof of purchase,which clearly indicates the name andaddress of the seller, the date and placeAdditional safety information 29© 2009 Nokia. All rights reserved. 29