P C C o n n e c t i v i t yCopyright © 2004 Nokia. All rights reserved. 5913. PC ConnectivityWith the PC suite you can, forexample, create and send text andpicture messages, synchronisecontacts and calendar between yourphone and a compatible PC.You mayfind more information anddownloadable files, e.g. PC suite inthe support area on the Nokia’s website, www.nokia-asia.com.■ PC suiteThe PC Suite contains the followingfeatures:• Nokia Sound Converter to editpolyphonic ringing tones to becompatible with your phone andto transfer them to your phone.• Nokia Content Copier to copyinformation or backupinformation from your phone tothe PC or to another compatibleNokia phone.• Nokia Phone Editor to send textmessages and edit the contactsdirectory and message settings ofyour phone.• Nokia PC Sync to synchronise thecontacts directory and calendarbetween your phone and acompatible PC.• Nokia Connection Manager toselect the connection typebetween the PC and the phone.• Nokia Phone Browser to copyimages and tones from yourphone to your PC and vice versa.Note: Copyright protectionmay prevent some images,ring tones and other contentfrom being copied, modified,transferred or diverted.Modem setupYou can use your Nokia phone as amodem with your laptop computeror handheld device, giving youaccess to the internet (for e-mailand Web browsing) or corporatenetworks wherever you are. For moreinformation on modem setup for PCand handheld devices, please refer tothe Nokia PC Suite User Guide andPC/PDA Connectivity Guide.You may find more information anddownloadable files for modem setupon the Nokia’s website,www.nokia-asia.com.Download softwarePC Suite, the PC Suite/PCconnectivity user guide, and allrelated software is provided to youfree of charge. Please downloadfrom the mobile phone productssection at the Nokia’s website,www.nokia-asia.com.