R e f e r e n c e i n f o r m a t i o nCopyright © 2004 Nokia. All rights reserved. 6115. Reference informationThis section provides informationabout your phone batteries,enhancements, chargers, safetyguidelines and technicalinformation. Be aware that theinformation in this section is subjectto change as batteries, chargers, andenhancements change.■ Batteries and chargersYour device is powered by arechargeable battery. The fullperformance of a new battery isachieved only after two or threecomplete charge and discharge cycles.The battery can be charged anddischarged hundreds of times but itwill eventually wear out. When thetalk and standby times arenoticeably shorter than normal, buya new battery. Use only Nokiaapproved batteries, and recharge yourbattery only with Nokia approvedchargers designated for this device.Unplug the charger from theelectrical plug and the device whennot in use. Do not leave the batteryconnected to a charger after thebattery has finished charging.Overcharging may shorten itslifetime. If left unused, a fullycharged battery will lose its chargeover time. Temperature extremescan affect the ability of your batteryto charge.Use the battery only for its intendedpurpose. Never use any charger orbattery that is damaged.Do not short-circuit the battery.Accidental short-circuiting canoccur when a metallic object such asa coin, clip, or pen causes directconnection of the positive (+) andnegative (-) terminals of the battery.(These look like metal strips on thebattery.) This might happen, forexample, when you carry a sparebattery in your pocket or purse.Short-circuiting the terminals maydamage the battery or theconnecting object.Leaving the battery in hot or coldplaces, such as in a closed car insummer or winter conditions, willreduce the capacity and lifetime ofthe battery. Always try to keep thebattery between 59°F and 77°F(15°C and 25°C). A device with a hotor cold battery may not worktemporarily, even when the batteryis fully charged. Batteryperformance is particularly limitedin temperatures well below freezing.Do not dispose of batteries in a fire!Dispose of batteries according tolocal regulations. Please recyclewhen possible. Do not dispose ashousehold waste.