S e t u p y o u r p h o n e18Replace the back coverSlide the back cover toward the top ofthe phone until the back cover issecurely in place.Charge the battery1. Plug the charger into a standard acoutlet.2. Insert the charger output plug intothe round jack at the bottom end ofthe phone.After a few seconds, the batteryindicator on the display starts toscroll from bottom to top. If thebattery is completely discharged, itmay take a few minutes before thecharging indicator appears on the display or before any calls can be made.■ Turn your phone on or off1. To turn your phone on or off, press and hold thepower key on top of the phone for at least 3seconds.2. Enter the lock code. if necessary, and select OK.See "Security settings," p. 54.■ Connect the headsetA compatible headset may be purchased with your phone or separately as anenhancement. See "Enhancements," p. 73.Important: The headset may affect your ability to hear sounds aroundyou. Do not use this headset in situations that may endanger yoursafety.Bravo_R210_Verizon_080205.fm Page 18 Monday, August 8, 2005 8:59 AM