number to call) or you may use your own answeringmachine or voice mailbox number.Text MessagesWhen the text messaging network service is availableand you have subscribed to it, your phone can send,receive, and store text messages. The text messagingfunction is a network service and may not be supportedby your network. Your network operator gives you yourMessage Center number (see Menu 2 4 later in thischapter), which you need to send messages.The maximum length of a text message is 160characters. The phone has space for five full-lengthmessages. NO SPACE: MESSAGE WAITING meansyou need to delete current messages from yourmemory to make space in the phone for newmessages.Reading Text MessagesWhen your phone receives aShort Message Service (SMS)text message, the message isstored in the currently-selectedmemory (A or B).You can read messages immediately with the Read key,or Quit and read the message later using Menu 2.To read messages with Menu 2ARead QuitMESSAGERECEIVEDA ASelect QuitREADMESSAGES 1NEWMESSAGE2 5ASelect QuitMESSAGES2AMenu Memorytt ttt20