Copyright © 2005 Nokia. All rights reserved.A d d i t i o n a l s a f e t y i n f o r m a t i o n43power level in all tested frequencybands. Although the SAR is determinedat the highest certified power level,the actual SAR of the device whileoperating can be well below themaximum value. This is because thedevice is designed to operate atmultiple power levels so as to use onlythe power required to reach thenetwork. In general, the closer you areto a base station, the lower the poweroutput of the device.The highest SAR value for this devicewhen tested for use at the ear is0.78 W/kg.SAR values may vary depending onnational reporting and testingrequirements and the network band.Use of device accessories andenhancements may result in differentSAR values. Additional SARinformation may be providedunder product information* The SAR limit for mobile devices usedby the public is 2.0 W/kg averaged over10 grams of body tissue. The guidelinesincorporate a substantial margin ofsafety to give additional protection forthe public and to account for anyvariations in measurements.SAR values may vary depending onnational reporting requirements andthe network band. For SAR informationin other regions, please look underproduct information