[ 16 ]Pressing a key repeatedly cycles you through all of that key options. To enter a letter, press theappropriate key repeatedly until the desired letter appears. Continue this process until the wordor name is completed.Note: If the next letter in the word you are entering is on the same key, wait two tothree seconds for the cursor to advance, and enter the new letter, or press 0 toadvance the cursor.Important: Phone language settings may affect the characters associated with thephone keypad.For example: to enter the name “Albert,” do the following:Note: Default mode is sentence case where the first letter of a name or sentence isautomatically capitalized. Phone book default mode is title case where the first letterof each word is capitalized.OTHER OPTIONS• Delete mistakes—If you make a mistake, press Clear to delete one character to the left.Press and hold the Clear key to speed up the erasing process.• Enter a space—When you’ve completed entering a word or name, press 0 to enter a spacebefore the next word.• Change letter case—Press # to switch between the various text entry modes or fromuppercase and lowercase letters.• To start a new line—Press 0 three times.Enter numbersYour phone will switch to 123 mode when entering a number into your phone book or any otherpurely numeric entry. When in ABC mode, you can insert numbers using any of the following:• Press and hold the # key for two seconds to switch to 123 mode, and press the desirednumber keys. Press and hold # again to return to ABC mode.• Press and hold the desired number key until the number appears on the display.• Press the desired key repeatedly until the desired number appears.Press Displayed text2 for A A5-5-5 for l Al2 for b Alb3-3 for e Albe7-7-7 for r Alber8 for t Albert