M e n u f u n c t i o n s51While you are browsing, options such as Home andBookmarks may be available. The service provider may offeradditional options.Your device may have some bookmarks loaded for sites notaffiliated with Nokia. Nokia does not warrant or endorsethese sites. If you choose to access them, you should takethe same precautions, for security or content, as you wouldwith any Internet site.Browser appearance settingsIn the standby mode, select Menu > Web > Settings >Appearance settings. Select Text wrapping > On to allowthe text to continue on the next line. If you select Off, thetext will be abbreviated. Select Show images > No, and anypictures appearing on the page are not shown. SelectAlerts > Alert for unsecure connection > Yes to set thephone to alert when a secure connection changes to aninsecure one during browsing. Select Alert for unsecureitems > Yes to set the phone to alert when a secure pagecontains an insecure item. These alerts do not guarantee a