A d d i t i o n a l s a f e t y i n f o r m a t i o n67above separation distance instructions are followed untilthe transmission is completed.Parts of the device are magnetic. Metallic materials may beattracted to the device. Do not place credit cards or othermagnetic storage media near the device, becauseinformation stored on them may be erased.■ Medical devicesOperation of any radio transmitting equipment, includingwireless phones, may interfere with the functionality ofinadequately protected medical devices. Consult aphysician or the manufacturer of the medical device todetermine if they are adequately shielded from external RFenergy or if you have any questions. Switch off your devicein health care facilities when any regulations posted inthese areas instruct you to do so. Hospitals or health carefacilities may be using equipment that could be sensitive toexternal RF energy.