• If you access preinstalledbookmarks and links to third partyinternet sites, take theappropriate precautions. Nokiadoes not endorse or assumeliability for such sites.Operating environmentThis device meets radio frequencyexposure guidelines in the normaluse position at the ear or at least 1.5centimetres (5/8 inch) away from thebody. Any carry case, belt clip, orholder for body-worn operationshould not contain metal and shouldposition the device the above-stateddistance from your body.The sending of data files ormessages requires a quality networkconnection and may be delayed untilsuch a connection is available. Followthe separation distance instructionsuntil the sending is completed.VehiclesRadio signals may affect improperlyinstalled or inadequately shieldedelectronic systems in vehicles. Formore info, check with themanufacturer of your vehicle or itsequipment.Only qualified personnel shouldinstall the device in a vehicle. Faultyinstallation may be dangerous andinvalidate your warranty. Checkregularly that all wireless deviceequipment in your vehicle is mountedand operating properly. Do not storeor carry flammable or explosivematerials in the same compartmentas the device, its parts, oraccessories. Do not place yourdevice or accessories in the air bagdeployment area.Potentially explosiveenvironmentsSwitch your device off in potentiallyexplosive environments, such asnear petrol pumps. Sparks may causean explosion or fire resulting in injuryor death. Note restrictions in areaswith fuel; chemical plants; or whereblasting operations are in progress.Areas with a potentially explosiveenvironment may not be clearlymarked. These usually are areaswhere you are advised to switch yourengine off, below deck on boats,chemical transfer or storagefacilities, and where the air containschemicals or particles. Check withthe manufacturers of vehicles usingliquefied petroleum gas (such aspropane or butane) if this device canbe safely used in their vicinity.66