BatteryType: BL-4UTalk time:Up to 6 hours (WCDMA) / 20 hours(GSM).Standby:Up to 34 days (WCDMA) / 31 days(GSM).Important: Battery talk and stand-by times are estimates and onlypossible under optimal networkconditions. Actual battery talk andstandby times depend on SIM cards,features used, battery age andcondition, temperatures to whichbattery is exposed, networkconditions, and many other factors,and may be significantly shorter thanthose specified above. Ringingtones, hands free call handling, use indigital mode, and other features willalso consume the battery, and theamount of time a device is used forcalls will affect its stand-by time.Likewise, the amount of time that thedevice is turned on and in thestandby mode will affect its talk time.Nokia support messagesTo help you take maximumadvantage of your phone andservices, you receive freecustomised text messages fromNokia. The messages contain tipsand tricks and support.To stop receiving the messages,select Menu > Settings > Nokiaaccount > News and Offers.To provide the service describedabove, your mobile phone number,the serial number of your phone, andsome identifiers of the mobilesubscription are sent to Nokia whenyou use the phone for the first time.Some or all information may also besent to Nokia when updatingsoftware. This information may beused as specified in the privacypolicy, available at and other noticesDECLARATION OFCONFORMITYHereby, NOKIA CORPORATIONdeclares that this RM-839 product isin compliance with the essentialrequirements and other relevantprovisions of Directive 1999/5/EC. Acopy of the Declaration ofConformity can be found availability of products,features, apps and services may varyby region. For more info, contact68