G e t s t a r t e d14 Copyright © 2006 Nokia. All rights reserved.device. Nokia utilises the approved industry standards for memory cards but notall other brands may be fully compatible with this device. Using a memory cardnot approved by Nokia may damage the memory card as well as the device, anddata stored on the card may be corrupted.You can use a memory card to extend the memory of Gallery. See“Gallery,” p. 78.You can insert or change the memory card without switching the phoneoff.Important: Do not remove the memory card in the middle of anoperation when the card is being accessed. Removing the card in themiddle of an operation may damage the memory card as well as thedevice, and data stored on the card may be corrupted.To insert the memory card, open the memory card holder as shown (1).Place the memory card in the card holder (2). Make sure that thememory card is properly inserted—that it clicks into the holder—andthat the gold-coloured contact area on the card is facing upwards. Closethe memory card holder.You can use the memory card to save your multimedia files, such asvideo clips, sound files, and images, in Gallery.To format the memory card, see “Format memory card,” p. 78.