112Copyright © 2004 Nokia. All rights• Editing rights - Scroll to the chat group members to whom you want to giveediting rights and permission to invite contacts to join the group.• Group members - See “Restricting access to a chat group” on page 112.• Banned - Displays a list of banned users.• Allow private msgs. - Allow or prevent private messaging between members.• Group ID - Is created automatically and cannot be changed.Editing chat group settingsGo to Menu→Chat→Chat groups.You can edit the settings for a chat group if you have created the group or if thecreator of the group has given you editing rights. In the Chat groups view, scrollto the desired group and select Options→Chat group→Chat group settings. See“Creating a new chat group” on page 111.Restricting access to a chat groupYou can make a chat group closed by creating a Group members list. Only theusers on the list are allowed to join the group. Go to the Chat groups view, scrollto the group and select Options→Chat group→Chat group settings→Groupmembers→Selected only.• To add a user to the list, select Add and Chat contact or Enter user ID.• To remove a user from the list, scroll to the user and select Remove.• To clear the list and allow all chat users to join the group again select Removeall.