153Copyright © 2004 Nokia. All rights3. Scroll to the next Unit field and select the unit to which you want to convert.4. Scroll to the first Amount field and key in the value that you want to convert.The other Amount field changes automatically to show the converted value.Press to add a decimal and press for the +, - (for temperature),and E (exponent) symbols.The conversion order changes if you write a value in the second Amount field. Theresult is shown in the first Amount field.Setting a base currency and exchange ratesBefore you can carry out currency conversions, you need to choose a basecurrency (usually your domestic currency) and add exchange rates.The rate of the base currency is always 1. The base currency determines theconversion rates of the other currencies.1. Select Currency as the measurement parameter type and selectOptions→Currency rates. A list of currencies opens and you can see thecurrent base currency at the top.2. To change the base currency, scroll to the currency (usually your domesticcurrency), and select Options→Set as base curr..3. Add exchange rates, scroll to the currency, and key in a new rate, that is, howmany units of the currency equal one unit of the base currency you haveselected.4. After you have inserted all the required exchange rates, you can make currencyconversions. See “Converting units” on page 152.