Close the mail applicationSelect Sign Out.Access IM from your mail accountSome mail service providers allow you toaccess your instant messaging accountdirectly from your mail account.To sign in to your provider's instantmessaging service when writing a mail,select Options and your IM service.Nokia Messaging IMWith instant messaging (IM) you can chatwith other online users using your device.You can use your already existing accountwith an IM community that is supportedby your device.If you are not registered to a IM service,you can create an IM account with asupported IM service, using yourcomputer or your device. The menus mayvary depending on the IM service.IM servicesSign in to an existing IM account1 Select Menu > Messaging > More >IMs.2 Select an IM service.3 Enter your account ID and password.4 Follow the instructions on the display.Create a new Nokia accountTo create a Nokia account, which includesmail and IM services, using your PC, create an account using your device:1 Select Menu > Messaging > More >E-mail.2 Follow the instructions on the display.Use IM services simultaneously1 To return to the IM main view, selectHome from within any IM service.2 Select an IM service, and sign in.3 To switch between IM services, in thecontacts list view, scroll left or right.Exchange messagesSelect Menu > Messaging > More >IMs.Send an IM1 Select an IM service.2 Select a contact from the contacts list.Each conversation is on a tab in theconversation view.3 Enter your message in the text box atthe bottom of the display.4 Select Send.Receiving messagesWhen a new message arrives in yourcurrent conversation, the messageappears at the end of the chat history.When a new message arrives for anotherconversation, the correspondingconversation tab flashes. To switchbetween conversations, do the following:1 Scroll up to the conversation tabs.2 Scroll left or right to open aconversation.When a new message arrives fromanother community, it is indicated at thetop or bottom corner.Scroll up, and select Switch or Select.28 Mail and Instant Messaging2010© Nokia. All rights reserved.