Share images and video clips onlineShare images and video clips incompatible online sharing services on theweb.To use online sharing, you must subscribeto an online sharing service (networkservice).1 Select Menu > Gallery > Photos anda file from a folder.2 Select Options > Send > Upload toweb.3 Select an online sharing service, andfollow the instructions on the display.You may also mark several images orvideo clips and upload them together tothe online sharing service.You can view uploads on the internetpages of the online sharing service onyour device.For more information on online sharingand compatible service providers, see theNokia product support pages or your localNokia website.Memory cardUse a memory card to store yourmultimedia files, such as video clips,songs, sound files, images, and messagingdata.Select Menu > Gallery > All content >Memory card.Some of the folders in Gallery that containcontent used by your device (for example,Themes) can be stored on the memorycard.If your memory card has not been pre-formatted, you need to format it. Whenyou format a memory card, all data on thecard is permanently deleted.Format the memory cardSelect Options > Mem. card options >Format memory card > Yes. Whenformatting is complete, enter a name forthe memory card.Protect the memory card with apasswordSelect Options > Mem. card options >Set password. The password is stored inyour device, so you only have to enter thepassword when attempting to use thememory card in another device.Remove the memory card passwordSelect Options > Mem. card options >Delete password.Check the memory consumptionSelect Options > Details. The memoryconsumption of different data groups,and the amount of available memory toinstall new software, is displayed.Image and video 352 Select an image from Gallery andOptions > Print.2010© Nokia. All rights reserved.