[ 49 ]Call log2• CLEAR CALL LISTSTo clear the call lists, press Menu 2-4 (Call log - Clear call lists). Selectwhether you want to delete all the phone numbers in the recent call lists,or only the numbers in the missed calls, received calls or dialed numberslists. You cannot undo the operation.• CALL TIMERSPress Menu 2-5 (Call log - Call timers) and scroll to view theapproximate duration of your incoming and outgoing calls in hours,minutes and seconds. To clear the timers, the security code is needed.Each phone line (if supported by your SIM card) has its own call timersand only the timers for the selected line are displayed.• GPRS DATA COUNTERPress Menu 2-7 (Call log - GPRS data counter) and scroll to check theamounts of data that were last sent and last received, data sent andreceived in total, and to clear the counters. The counter unit is a byte,indicated by a (B).• GPRS CONNECTION TIMERPress Menu 2-8 (Call log - GPRS connection timer) and scroll to checkthe duration of the last GPRS connection or the total GPRS connection.You can also clear the timers.Note: The actual invoice for calls from your service provider mayvary, depending upon network features, rounding-off for billing,and so forth.