Nokia PC Graphics[ 19 ]6Reading a graphic from your phoneEDIT A GROUP LOGO STORED IN YOUR PHONEWith the Nokia PC Graphics application running:1 Establish an infrared connection between your phone and PC.2 Click Tools, point to Picture type, then click Group logo.3 Click OK (as needed) to confirm any change in picture size required by Nokia PCGraphics.4 Click the Read from phone button (or select the Read from phone command from the Tools menu).5 Select the group logo you want to edit from the list, then click Read.Once the group logo has been loaded into your PC from your phone, use the pencil tool to edit the image. Click the Update tophone button on the toolbar to transfer the logo back to your phone.Tip: Consider saving the original logo to your hard drive in the event you want to restore the original logo to your phone,or you make a mistake during editing and want to start over.EDIT A PICTURE MESSAGE STORED IN YOUR PHONEWith the Nokia PC Graphics application running:1 Establish an infrared connection between your phone and PC.2 Click Tools, point to Picture type, then click Picture message.3 Click OK (as needed) to confirm any change in picture size required by Nokia PCGraphics.4 Click the Read from phone button (or select the Read from phonecommand from the Tools menu).5 Select the picture message or picture you want to edit from the list, then clickRead.Once the group logo has been loaded into your PC from your phone, use the pencil tool to edit the image. Click the Update tophone button on the toolbar to transfer the logo back to your phone.Open a graphic you createdYou may want to save picture messages or caller group logos on your PC so you can send them to other users at a later time. Clickthe Open button on the toolbar (or select Open from the File menu) to locate a graphic you’ve saved. You can then edit thegraphic (as necessary), transfer the graphic to your phone, or send it to another user via SMS.• OPEN OTHER BITMAP FILESNokia PC Graphics has the ability to open and convert WindowsRGB-coded bitmap images for use with picture messaging andcaller group logos.Nokia PC Editor provides tools to select or “capture” the portion ofthe image you want to use, as well as for adjusting the image andconverting it to black and white for use in your phone.NON-SUPPORTED FILE FORMATSIf the image you want to use is not Windows bitmap format (JPEG,GIF, etc.), you need to use another graphics application andconvert the image to bitmap format.Capture an imageBecause of the size and dimension requirements of picture messages and caller group logos, you may only be able to use a portionof your image. Using the cursor, you can outline or “capture” that portion of the image you want to use.PC Graphics captures your image at the correct height and width, based on your selection of Group logo or Picture message fromthe Tools menu.With the Nokia PC Graphics application running:1 Click Tools, point to Picture type, then select the type of graphic you want to create (Group logo or Picture message).CaptureareaHalftoneadjustment