[ 15 ]About your phone4• SWITCH ON YOUR PHONE• Press and hold the power key for a fewseconds.The phone may ask for a Personal IdentityNumber (PIN) or a security code. See“About security codes” on page 87for more information.Note: Your service provider suppliesthe PIN code.Warning: Do not switch on the phone when wireless phone use isprohibited or when it may cause interference or danger.• ABOUT THE ANTENNA Your phone has a built-in antenna.As with any other radio transmittingdevice, do not touch the antennaunnecessarily when the phone isswitched on.Contact with the antenna affects callquality and may cause the phone tooperate at a higher power level thanneeded.Not touching the antenna during a calloptimizes the antenna performance andthe talk-time of your phone. Normalposition: Hold the phone as you wouldany other telephone.