After SalesTechnical DocumentationRAE/RAK–1NOverviewPage 1– 19Original, 08/96Vibration and Free FallThe transceiver meets the module phase error requirements whichequates to a total RMS vibration in the range 10 Hz to 150 Hz of 0.5 g.The transceiver has been drop tested to withstand an 80cm drop onto asolid floor.Humidity and Water ResistanceRelative humidity range in normal operation conditions : 20 ... 75 %.Relative humidity range allowed : 5 ... 95 %The transceiver is not waterproof and care should be taken if used indamp conditions.Maximum RatingsTable 11. Maximum RatingsPin / Conn Line Symbol Minimum Typical /NominalMaxi-mumUnit / Notes1 / Battery VBATT 5.0 7.2 9.0 V / Phone off inmin . extreme,PDA on1 / 3 / Char VCHAR 10.0 12.0 13.0 V (unloaded)Operating InstructionsOperating instructions are given in the QUICK GUIDE in the Appendix ofthis manual and the USER‘S GUIDE that comes with the product. Thetransceiver is provided with a HELP system via both keypads (lidopen/closed). Also, ‘on line’ help will be available on the Internet via theNokia–club service.