97ContactsNotes on using the search fieldA search checks the most important fields in a contact card. The matching ofsearch criteria is limited to the beginning of words. For example, to search usingthe characters ‘Ann’ finds ‘Annabel’ but not ‘Joanne’.Example:john.carr@florida.edu orhttp://florida.edu/~john.carrThe search also checks the contents which follow the following characters: '.'(period) or '/' (forward slash) or '@' (‘at’ symbol) or '~’ (tilde).To change fields in a contact cardTo add a fieldYou can add fields to a contact card to suit your own circumstances. For moreinformation on specific fields, see ‘Information on fields’ on page 98.1 Open a contact card.2 Press Add field. A list opens, showing fields you can add to the card.3 Using the Arrows key, select a field and press Select.To rename a fieldYou can rename fields to suit your contacts. For example, after adding three newTel fields, you could rename them to Tel (Business), Tel (Private), and Tel (Car)respectively.Linda1.book Page 97 Friday, April 12, 2002 8:31 PM