76Telephone 2 Select a participant from the list and press Private call. The call is now splitinto two: the conference call is on hold and the one-to-one call is active.3 Once you have finished the private conversation, you can return to theconference call by pressing Conference call.Tip: To view log files ofall calls, press the Menu keyand select Tools > Log. TheGeneral log shows all calls,both incoming andoutgoing, voice and data.To transfer callsCall transfer is a network service where you connect two calls together anddisconnect yourself from both calls. Contact your network operator to check if thisservice is available.When you have one call on hold, and another call active or an outgoing callalerting, press the Menu key and select Call > Transfer to connect the calls together.Note: You may be charged for some of the cost of the transferred call; contactyour network operator for details.Note: You can only transfer voice calls. Fax, data, or conference calls cannot betransferred.To answer a waiting callTo know that you have a call waiting, and to be able to answer it, you must firstsubscribe to the call waiting network service. Call waiting is selected in networkservices. For more information, see page 85.1 When you receive a new call while you already have an active call, you hear aLinda1.book Page 76 Friday, April 12, 2002 8:31 PM