To send a service request message, select Options > Service commands. Enter theservice request text and select Options > Send.Cell broadcastSelect Menu > Messaging and Options > Cell broadcast.With the cell broadcast network service, you can receive messages on various topicsfrom your service provider, such as weather or traffic conditions in a particularregion. For available topics and relevant topic numbers, contact your serviceprovider. Cell broadcast messages cannot be received when the device is in theremote SIM mode. A packet data (GPRS) connection may prevent cell broadcastreception.Cell broadcast messages cannot be received in UMTS (3G) networks.To receive cell broadcast messages, you may need to turn cell broadcast receptionon. Select Options > Settings > Reception > On.To view messages related to a topic, select the topic.To receive messages related to a topic, select Options > Subscribe.Tip: You can set important topics as hot topics. You are notified in the home screen,when you receive a message related to a hot topic. Select a topic and Options >Hotmark.To add, edit, or delete topics, select Options > Topic.Messaging settingsSelect Menu > Messaging and Options > Settings.70 Messaging