Enhanced GPRS (EGPRS) is similar to GPRS, but it enables faster connection. For more information on the availability of EGPRSand data transfer speed, contact your network operator or service provider. Note that when you have selected GPRS as a databearer, the device uses EGPRS instead of GPRS if this is available in the network.During a voice call, you cannot establish a GPRS connection, and any existing GPRS connection is put on hold unless the networksupports dual transfer mode.UMTSUMTS (universal mobile telecommunications system) is 3G mobile communication system. Besides voice and data, UMTS enablesaudio and video delivery to wireless devices.Your device can automatically switch between the GSM and UMTS networks.To select which network to use, select Menu > Tools > Settings > Network and the network in Network mode. If you want thedevice to switch between the networks automatically, select Dual mode.The GSM network is indicated with , the UMTS network with .When you use your device in GSM and UMTS networks, multiple data connections can be active at the same time, and accesspoints can share a data connection. In the UMTS network, data connections remain active during voice calls. You can, for example,surf the Web faster than previously possible while simultaneously speaking on the phone.Wireless local area network (WLAN)Some places, like France, have restrictions on the use of wireless LAN. Check with your local authorities for more information.Features using wireless LAN, or allowing such features to run in the background while using other features, increase the demandon battery power and reduce the battery life.This device can detect and connect to a wireless local area network.If you move the device to another location within the wireless LAN and out of range of a wireless LAN access point, the roamingfunctionality can automatically connect your device to another access point that belongs to the same network. As long as youremain within range of access points that belong to the same network, your device can stay connected to the network.Tip: A wireless LAN connection is established when you create a data connection using a wireless LAN Internet accesspoint. The active wireless LAN connection is ended when you end the data connection.Your device enables different types of communication in a wireless LAN. The two operating modes are infrastructure and adhoc.• The infrastructure operating mode allows two kinds of communication: wireless devices communicate with each otherthrough a wireless LAN access point or wireless devices communicate with a wired LAN device through a wireless LAN accesspoint. The advantage of the infrastructure operating mode is that you can have more control over network connectionsbecause they pass through an access point. A wireless device can access the services that are available in a regular wired LAN:company database, e-mail, the Internet, and other network resources, for example.• In the ad hoc operating mode you can send data to and receive it from other devices with compatible wireless LAN support ,for example, to be printed. These functions may require an additional third party application to work. No wireless LAN accesspoint is required. Simply make the necessary configurations and start communicating. Ad hoc networking is easy to set up,but communication is limited to devices that are within range and support compatible wireless LAN technology.Connection managerSelect Menu > Connect. > Conn mgr.To view the status of data connections or end connections, select Act. data conn..To search for wireless LANs available within range, select Availab. WLAN.View and end active connectionsNote: The actual time invoiced for calls by your service provider may vary, depending on network features, roundingoff for billing, and so forth.In the active connections view, you can see the open data connections: data calls, packet data connections, and wireless LANconnections.To view detailed information about network connections, select the connection from the list and Options > Details. The type ofinformation shown depends on the connection type.To end a network connection, select the connection from the list and Options > Disconnect.To end all active network connections simultaneously, select Options > Disconnect all.To view the details of a network, press the joystick.C o n n e c t i v i t yCopyright © 2006 Nokia. All Rights Reserved. 48