Use location services selectively If you want to keep location servicesswitched on, but don't want to use check-inservices, on the start screen, swipe downfrom the top of the screen, and tap ALLSETTINGS. Swipe to applications, tappeople, and switch Use my location to Off.Use network connectionsselectively• Set your phone to check for new mail lessfrequently, or even by request only. Inevery mailbox you have, tap >settings > sync settings, and select howoften to sync.• Switch Bluetooth on only when needed.• Turn NFC on only when needed. To switchthe NFC feature off, on the start screen,swipe down from the top of the screen,tap ALL SETTINGS > NFC, and switch Tapto share to Off .• Use a Wi-Fi connection to connect to theinternet, rather than a mobile dataconnection.• Stop your phone scanning for availablewireless networks. On the start screen,swipe down from the top of the screen,tap ALL SETTINGS > Wi-Fi, and switch Wi-Fi networking to Off .• If you're listening to music or otherwiseusing your phone, but don't want to makeor receive calls, switch airplane mode on.On the start screen, swipe down from thetop of the screen, tap ALL SETTINGS >airplane mode, and switch Status to On.Check battery useTo check which apps have been eating up your battery life, on the start screen,swipe down from the top of the screen, and tap ALL SETTINGS > BatterySaver, and swipe to usage.© 2015 Microsoft Mobile. All rights reserved. 47