Nokia Lumia 928: Safety and Warranty75Chapter 18and services your IP address, access times, the website you linkedfrom, pages you visit, the links you use, the content you viewedand other such information your browser provides us with is au-tomatically collected by Nokia. Some of our mobile services maycollect your unique mobile device identifi ers, subscriber identityinformation, network service provider specific identifi ers, networksettings and other such information. When you use our productsand services or otherwise interact with us over telecommunicationsnetworks, certain additional information, such as your mobile sub-scription number, may be transmitted to us by your mobile networkprovider.• Information you provide us with. We may ask you to provide uswith information such as your name, email address, street ad-dress, user names and passwords, your consents, preferences andfeedback, information relating to your devices, age, gender, postalcode and language preferences. Please note that certain non-identifi able information collected from you may become person-ally identifi able when you provide us with your personal data. Wemay also obtain, in accordance with applicable law, some personaldata from list-rental companies and other such publicly availablesources. Some of our services may allow you to submit informationabout other people, for example, if you make an order for a prod-uct that you wish us to send directly to another recipient.• Your transactions with us. We collect information relating to yourpurchase and use of our products and services and your otherinteractions with us. Such information may include details ofthe queries or requests you have made, the products and servicesprovided, delivery details, bank account number, credit card details,billing address, credit checks and other such financial information,details of agreements between you and Nokia, records of con-tacts and communications, information and details relating to thecontent you have provided us with and other such transactionalinformation. We may, in accordance with applicable law, record yourcommunication with our customer care or with other such contactpoints.• Location data. Nokia’s location based services and features mayuse satellite, Wi-Fi or other network based location data, for ex-ample your IP address. Assisted positioning methods of the device,for example Assisted GPS, provide you with faster and more accu-rate location data. Use of assisted positioning methods may involveexchanging your location data, wireless network identifiers alongwith your unique device or network service provider identifierswith a location server. Nokia processes this information anony-mously. Depending on your positioning settings and your use oflocation services of other service providers your device may con-nect to other service providers’ servers, which are not controlled oroperated by Nokia. We recommend you to check the privacy poli-cies of such service providers to understand how they processyour location data. You can modify the positioning settings of yourdevice from the device settings, for example change or disablepositioning methods or location servers or modify the accuracyof your location data. Nokia off ers various location based ser-vices and features that may require the use of your location data.For example when you make a location based search, use locationenhanced weather features or request for map data, your loca-tion data may be sent to Nokia to serve you with the right content.This may also include location based advertising. Some locationbased services may allow you to associate your personal data withyour location. To learn more about available location based servicesand features, please refer to instructions and other support mate-rial for our products and services.Why Do We Process Personal Data?Nokia may process your personal data for the following purposes.Please note that one or more purposes may apply simultaneously.• Providing products and services. We may use your personal data toprovide you with our products and services, to process your orderor as otherwise may be necessary to perform the contract be-tween you and Nokia, to ensure the functionality and security ofour products and services, to identify you as well as to prevent andinvestigate fraud and other misuses.• Developing products and services. We may use your personal data