Watching TV & listening to the radioGB 15• Open Navi Bars.• Select the channel bookmark in the All TV/All Radio folder youwant to copy.• Press opt to open the Options menu and step down to Book-mark functions.• Select copy bookmark.• Step to the favourite folder where you want the channel book-mark to be included.• Press ok to put the channel bookmark in the favourite folder.Move bookmarkChannel bookmarks can be moved within a favourite folder and be-tween favorite folders.• Mark a channel bookmark in a favourite folder by pressing ok.• Use the arrow keys to move the marked channel bookmark tothe desired position within the same folder or to another fa-vourite folder.• Press ok when the channel bookmark is positioned where youwant it.Delete bookmarkDelete the channel bookmark in the focus area.Please note that bookmarks in the System folders(All TV/Radio, Set-tings, Games) cannot be deleted.Bookmark selection modeFrom the Bookmark selection mode you can mark several channelbookmarks at the same time.• Select the folder where you want to mark several channel book-marks.• Press opt to open the Options menu• Step to bookmark selection mode• Press ok and a banner will inform you that you are in the Book-mark selection mode.• With the step to each of the desired channel bookmark• Press ok on each of the channel bookmark you want to copy,move or delete.• When all channel bookmarks are marked, press opt again andselect what to do with the channels:1. Copy, move or delete the channels2. Lock or unlock the channels.To watch locked channels you need to enter the access codewhich is set to 1234 from the factory.