Commissioning and Maintenance14 (42) © Nokia Networks Oy DN99611394Issue 2-0 enTo view or change unit identifications, click Transmission / FXC RRI →Identifications, and select the required unit. A window detailing theidentifications of the selected unit will open.To view or change unit settings, click Transmission / FXC RRI → Settings, andselect the required unit. A window detailing the settings of the selected unit willopen.Any changes you make are sent to the node as you click on the OK or Applybutton of the dialog in question.2.4.1 IdentificationsUser defined identifications for a network element or a unit include, for example,notes on the installation. Identifications used in alarm display can also bechanged. Some of the information (such as the serial number of the product)cannot be altered, because it is read directly from the equipment.To change the identifications of a functional entity, type the desired identificationinformation in the text box.2.4.2 Unit settingsFlexbus 1 and Flexbus 2Click Transmission / FXC RRI → Settings, and select Unit. The Unit settingsdialog box will open. Select the required Flexbus interface. In these windows youcan enable or disable Flexbus interfaces and set the appropriate capacity. Notethat with Nokia MetroHopper the capacity is fixed to 4 x 2 Mbit/s. You can alsoswitch the OU power feed on or off.To enable/disable a Flexbus interface, select or clear the In Use checkbox.To set the OU power supply on/off, select the appropriate option.2.4.3 Outdoor unit settingsClick Transmission / FXC RRI → Settings, and select either Outdoor unit 1 orOutdoor unit 2. The corresponding MetroHopper settings dialog box will open.Transmitter modeThe possible values for Transmitter mode are Operating, Forced transmit,Receiving only, and Commissioning. Note that it is not possible to switch tocertain modes at all times.