Overview of the Configuration MenuNokia Secure Access System Getting Started Guide 31Overview of the Configuration MenuAfter you install the Nokia Secure Access System on your appliance and sign on to the gatewayas an Administrator, the main window opens. This section describes the Nokia Secure AccessSystem user interface configuration menu.The left side of the main window displays a menu with the settings that you can configure, asdescribed in Table 4.Table 4 Nokia Secure Access System Configuration MenuMenu Item DescriptionGeneral Configure general gateway settings, including gatewaylogging, exporting and importing the gateway configurationfile, entering and updating a new server license. You can alsoview a summary of the gateway status, and enableconfiguration sharing.Global Properties Configure access control, network settings, the appearanceof the user interface, enable language packs, configure NokiaSecure Workspace, configure Nokia Secure Connector clientsettings, SNMP, variables, client integrity scanning, anddetermine the method for downloading the JRE plugin..Certificates Configure gateway server certificates and backend trustedCA certificates, including generating a new server certificateand importing an existing certificate.