Your deviceTo enter accented letters, hold down [Chr], and press aletter key repeatedly until the desired accented characterappears. To preview all special characters available, press[Chr] briefly.The integrated keyboard allows you to use global keyboardshortcuts, as well as shortcuts for application specifictasks. For example, to copy selected content, press[Ctrl]+[C]; and to close the currently open application,press [Ctrl]+[Q]. For more shortcuts, see the device helpfor text input methods and integrated keyboard.Full-screen finger keyboardTo begin text input with the finger keyboard, tap the textinput field with your fingers. The finger keyboard opens inthe full screen mode.When using the finger keyboard, use only clean hands andregularly clean the touch screen by wiping the screengently with a dry, soft cloth.On-screen keyboard1 —Adds a tabulator space or moves the cursor to thenext available text input field.2 [Language selection key]—Switches between twolanguages in the keyboard and handwriting recognitionmodes. If you have only one language defined, tappingthe key opens text input settings.3 —Tap to enter an uppercase character in the on-screen keyboard mode when you write in lowercase. Toset caps lock on, tap and hold the key. When you tapthis key in the handwriting recognition mode, the lastlowercase character switches to uppercase, and vice