PositioningNokia N800 Internet Tablet—Local maps are not pre-installed on your device. You must download the localmaps separately through the map application. For moreinformation, see ‘Select and download maps’, p. 44.Nokia N810 Internet Tablet—Local maps arepre-installed on your device.The map coverage and level of details on the map vary byregion.When you open the map application, the map view isdisplayed. If you have not selected an active map region, alist of available map regions is opened.To browse a map, pan it with the stylus, or tap [+] and [-]icons on the screen to zoom in and out.You can also activate the zoom mode from the applicationtoolbar. Tap to zoom by drawing a square around thedesired section of the map. To zoom in, draw from left toright. To zoom out, draw from right to left.Your current location is indicated on the map with acursor. When you browse the map, you can always zoominto your current location by tapping on the toolbar.The red and white compass needle shows the orientationof the map which faces north by default. To view detailedcompass information and GPS signal status, tap on thetoolbar.For each point of interest or any location on the map, youcan open a context-sensitive menu that has differentfunctions depending on the type of object. To open thecontext-sensitive menu, hold the stylus or your fingerdown on the selected object until the menu opens.Select and download mapsTo select the active map, open the application menu andselect Maps. A dialog opens and displays two pages ofinformation: