WAP Service Developer's Guide for Nokia Series 40Version 1.0Copyright © 2002. Nokia Corporation. All rights reserved. 174.3 ImagesThe graphic formats Wireless Bitmap (WBMP), static GIF (*.gif 87a), animated GIF(*.gif 89a) are supported. The static graphics area is a maximum of 122 pixels wideand 96 pixels high, but vertically and horizontally scrollable up to the maximumdeck size (2.8kbit). The animated GIF graphics area is a same than static graphicsarea. Images fitting in the graphics area are centred unless specified otherwise bythe service provider.However, displaying images is optional and can be turned off in browser appearancesettings. Images can also be used inside a table and as a link (see example 4-2above). An image that functions as a link is represented with a full-line framearound it. There cannot be text next to an image; the image will always start its ownline.Figure 4-1 Image and header textIf a requested image does not exist or could not be fetched, a small default picturewill be shown. It is also recommended to use the image alt attribute value as analternative textual representation for the image.Example 4-3 img element4.3.1 Animated GIFThe most recent Nokia browsers1 support animated GIF (*.gif 89a) image format. Themaximum number of frames allowed is 13 (note that the maximum file size is 2.4kb).1 All phones that were introduced in this document support GIF image formats in WAP browser
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