WAP Service Developer's Guide for Nokia Series 40Version 1.0Copyright © 2002. Nokia Corporation. All rights reserved. 245 OPTIONAL WAP 1.2.1 FEATURESThis chapter is an introduction to the optional WAP 1.2.1 features specified by WAP Forum.These features are supported in most WAP 1.2.1 compliant phones.5.1 Push Service IndicationPush service indications are an ideal way to activate users. They can be used to notify usersof updated content or alert in their areas of interest. The service provider can push a serviceindication content type to the phone display, which is then saved to the Service Inbox inService menu. The user can view indicated content afterwards by using the Service Inbox.The service indication should contain at least a text with a URL address indicating a service.5.1.1 Push indication structureService indication contains text that is displayed to the user, and a URL of content whichmay be dynamically generated for each push message in the application server.Messages that have already been sent can be replaced and deleted. Messages with the samemessage id can also be put into the correct order by creating time. Service providers can alsodetermine the user attention priority level (none, low, medium, high).5.1.2 Service InboxPush service indications are saved in the Service Inbox. The Service Inbox can beaccessed through the options list under Services and under the options list belongingto the browser display. In Service Inbox, the received service indications can beviewed, deleted or downloaded. Note that receiving push services is set to off bydefault; it can be set to on in Service inbox settings.5.2 WTAI public library – Wireless Telephony Applications Interface public libraryThree WTAI (Wireless Telephony Applications Interface) public library functions aresupported. You can make a call while browsing, send DTMF tones, and save numbersand names to the phone book. These functions, MakeCall, SendDTMF andAddPBEntry, can be used anywhere in the WML code in the same way as when URIor script references are used for normal non-WTAI references.5.2.1 Making a phone callThe MakeCall function is used for making a phone call directly from the WMLbrowser application. A typical example of the usage of MakeCall is when the userselects an anchored link, which initiates a phone call. When a MakeCall function isexecuted, the user is asked to confirm that the dial-up is to be made. If the phonenumber that is about to be called does not exist in the phone book, a confirmationquery with the phone number is displayed. If the number to be called exists in thephone book, a confirmation query is displayed with the name fetched from thephone book. If the user accepts to make the phone call, another confirmation queryis displayed with the text "Quit browsing and make the call?"If the user accepts both queries, the browser session will be terminated and thebrowser application will be closed down. The call will then be initiated. When the