About GPS 120Assisted GPS (A-GPS) 120Hold your device correctly 121Tips on creating a GPSconnection 122Position requests 124Landmarks 124GPS data 125Positioning settings 125Maps 127Maps overview 127View your location and themap 128Map view 129Change the look of the map 129Download and update maps 130About positioning methods 131Find a location 132View location details 133Save places and routes 134View and organize places orroutes 135Send places to your friends 136Synchronize your Favorrites 136Get voice guidance 137Drive to your destination 138Navigation view 139Get traffic and safetyinformation 140Walk to your destination 140Plan a route 141Connectivity 144Data connections and accesspoints 144Network settings 144Wi-Fi/WLAN connection 145Access points 149View your active dataconnections 155Synchronization 156Bluetooth connectivity 157Transfer data using a USBcable 163PC connections 164Administrative settings 164Share online 167About Share online 167Subscribe to services 167Manage your accounts 168Create a post 168Post files from Gallery 169Nokia Video Center 170View and download videoclips 170Video feeds 172My videos 1734 Contents© 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.